It's really quite frustrating as I just fancied playing this game again after a year or so away from it. I've followed all the advice about how to get the trainer working but none of it's made a difference, so I'm beginning to think either MS or UbiSoft has altered something enough to interfere with the trainer functioning properly. Agile returned to fulfill his mothers last wish - to bury her in. Here power is held by the self-proclaimed Pagan Min - the villain of all villains. Has something changed somewhere? I haven't installed or done anything different to my PC, and as I said the Trainer ran fine for five straight days prior to today. Far Cry 4 - the plot of the game is based on the story of the protagonist Agile Gale, who returns to his homeland in the fictional city of Kirat in the Himalayas. Instant Max Karma: Takes effect when you gain Karma points. Instant Max Level: Takes effect when you gain XP. Infinite Money: When buying from the store your money will increase by however much the item you purchase costs instead of decreasing. Super Stealth: Most enemies cannot see you. Far Cry 4 Trainer 1.10. These Far Cry 4 cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game. ammo' and 'no reload' but as soon as I start playing again it will crash the game again. Infinite Health: Most things cannot kill you. Our Far Cry 4 +24 trainer is now available for version 1.10.0 and supports STEAM, UBISOFT CONNECT.

If I go to UPlay and ask it to verify the FC4 game files then the next time after that the game on start-up re-installs some netplay files and after that the trainer will actually run without crashing on F1 but only long enough to try a few of the cheats on such as 'inf. After it's crashed once then simply hitting F1 causes the game to crash instantly on any subsequent game reload/retry.

Played FC4 for the last five days just fine with the trainer doing its thing but today (17th October 2016) all it does is crash the game.